Tiling Tips Adds to TTA’s Range of Technical Advice

Published December 5, 2024

TTA Technical & Training Manager Martin Pouncey shares tiling tips on The Tile Association’s YouTube channel. Watch the latest videos now at www.youtube.com/@TheTileAssociation_!

These tips include topics such as setting out and applying tiles, laying tile backer boards for floor tiling, grouting floor tiles and tiling to heated floors. The videos aim to provide key insights into day-to-day installation techniques and practices to help support tilers in their work.

The tiling tips continue to expand the wide catalogue of technical advice available from TTA, including Technical Publications and Technical Inspections, authored in line with the relevant British Standards.

For additional advice, TTA’s Tiling Guide contains practical information on key installation issues which most tilers will encounter in the course of their work, available online at www.tiles.org.uk/tiling-guide/.

TTA members can enjoy further benefits such as free access to technical advice in line with latest industry standards, training and business support services. These members receive the full range of TTA’s Technical Publications for free and enjoy discounts on Technical Inspections.

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