There are a number of British Standards applicable to the wall and floor tile industry; these include Standards which define ceramic and natural stone tiles, tile fixing, tile adhesives and grouts.
Check out the British Standards available for sale. You can purchase the Standards through BSI's website. If you are a member of BSI you are entitled to a discounted price on Standards, otherwise prices are as listed.
Wall and floor tiling. Design and installation of ceramic, natural stone and mosaic wall tiling in normal internal conditions. Code of practice
Find out moreWall and floor tiling. Design and installation of external ceramic, natural stone and mosaic wall tiling in normal conditions. Code of practice
Find out moreWall and floor tiling. Design and installation of internal and external ceramic and mosaic, natural stone and terrazzo flooring, and internal agglomerated stone flooring in normal conditions. Code of practice
Find out moreWall and floor tiling. Design and installation of ceramic and mosaic tiling in special conditions. Code of practice
Find out moreWorkmanship on building sites. Code of practice for sealing joints in buildings using sealants
Find out moreWorkmanship on building sites. Cementitious levelling screeds and wearing screeds. Code of practice
Find out moreWorkmanship on building sites. Code of practice for plasterboard partitions and dry linings
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Definitions, classification, characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
Find out moreDetermination of the unpolished and polished pendulum test value of surfacing units
Find out moreDesign of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice
Find out moreLiquid-applied water impermeable products for use beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives. Requirements, test methods, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation
Find out moreGrout for tiles. Requirements, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation
Find out moreCeramic tiling systems. Sustainability for ceramic tiles and installation materials – Specification for ceramic tiles
Find out moreCeramic tiling systems. Sustainability for ceramic tiles and installation materials - Specification for tile installation materials
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles
Find out moreCeramic tiles. Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
Find out moreStairs. Code of practice for the design of stairs with straight flights and winders
Find out moreStairs, ladders and walkways. Code of practice for the design of helical and spiral stairs
Find out moreNotifications