The Tile Association > About us > Committees
This Committee deals with all aspects of membership, member benefits, subscriptions and related issues.
They also arrange events such as the annual Awards, and the marketing of The Tile Association and its members through the media and press. It is the liaison point for trade magazines, shows, and this website.
General Purposes & Marketing Committee Chair
Rebecca Talbot, Instarmac Group plc (Chair); Adam Schreiber, Saint-Gobain Weber; Alex Underwood, Building Adhesives Ltd; Ashley Humphries, Specialist Tiling Supplies Ltd; Bhrugesha Panchal, Nicholls & Clarke; Daria Banks, Banks & Lloyd (Shipping) Ltd; Edoardo Matarazzo, Discount Tile & Bathroom Warehouse; Grace Munoz, Fila Industria Chimica SpA; Karen O’Riordan, Kickstart Publishing / TSJ; Lauren McCarthy, Kickstart Publishing / TSJ; Louise Vanham, Bostik Ltd; Marcus Garrett, Nicholls & Clarke; Margaret Reid, Margaret Reid Display Solutions Ltd; Michael O’Brien, Dural UK Ltd; Michael Gadney, Genesis Global Systems Ltd; Paul Luff, Larsen Building Products; Peter Bale, Freelands Tiles; Sebastian Stokes, R J Stokes & Co Ltd; Steve Ball, Palace Chemicals Ltd; Terry Croft, Stortford Tiling & Marble Ltd.
Committee members represent TTA and the Tiling Industry on British, European and International Standards Committees on tiles, tile fixing, adhesives and grouts. The Committee also creates TTA technical documents and advice notes and oversees TTA’s inspection service.
Technical Committee Chair
Brian Newell MBE, Shackerley (Holdings) Group Ltd (Chair); Andy Hone, Anhydritec Ltd; Bill Harrison, Mapei (UK) Ltd; Billy Valler, W B Simpson & Sons Ltd; Bob Sewell, Lithofin UK; Colin Stanyard, Domus Tiles Ltd; David Talbot, Advisor; David Wilson, Building Adhesives Ltd; Ian Knifton, Schluter-Systems Ltd; Jim Percival, Palace Chemicals Ltd; Lorna Williams, BASA; Max Valler, W B Simpson & Sons Ltd; Neil Mullarkey, PCS; Richard Hill, Nicholls & Clarke; Robert Howard MBE, RHTC; Shamshad Ali, Instarmac Group plc; Simon Hall, Lucideon Limited; Steve Brooks, ARDEX UK Ltd; Steve Wagstaff, Pro-Tilers UK Wall & Floor Ltd;
The Training Committee works with training organisations such as CITB on all matters of industry-related training on behalf of our members. Working with the Department of Education, TTA has supported the Apprenticeship Trailblazer Working Group in the development of the Wall and Floor Tiler Trailblazer Apprenticeship Scheme. TTA also offers EWPA & OSAT assessments to assist experienced tilers to gain their NVQ qualifications.
Training Committee Chair
David Rowley, Building Adhesives Ltd (Chair); Martin Pouncey, The Tile Association (Vice Chair); Adrian O’Clements, A & L Tiling Ltd; Alan Heard, Leeds College of Building; Andrew Curry, Schluter-Systems Ltd; Anthony Parrott, W B Simpson & Son (Midlands) Ltd; Bob Sewell, Casdron Enterprises Ltd; Carl Goulden, South & City College Birmingham; Ciaran Feeney, Wedi Systems (UK) Ltd; Chris Dyson, Dyson-Briggs & Sons Ltd; David Powell, Bostik Ltd; David Rowlands, CITB; David Westwood, Westwoods Tiling; Iain Hunter, Cosentino UK Ltd; Jeremy Mann, Mapei (UK) Ltd; Lee Carr, Sigma UK Distribution Ltd; Lee Randell, Cardiff and Vale College; Peter Engstrom, Moderna Contracts Ltd; Richie West, City and Guilds; Ross Cunningham, ROSSCO Training Academy; Tony Barry, Warmup Plc.
TTA formed a Sustainability Working Group to help the industry tackle the challenges of sustainability and to help communicate the positive aspects of tiles. The working group comprises eight members, reporting directly to TTA Board.
In 2023, the Sustainability Working Group has created a new page on TTA’s website about sustainability and produced a press release promoting the ethical sourcing of tiles.
Sustainability Working Group Chair
David Kong, Domus Tiles Ltd (Chair); Aaron Bargh, Kerakoll UK Ltd; Colin Stanyard, Domus Tiles Ltd; Dorota Jarzabska, W B Simpson & Sons Ltd; Harry Simmonds, Banks & Lloyd (Shipping) Ltd; Jim Percival, Palace Chemicals Ltd; Joanne Kaiser, Telling Finishings Ltd; Kevin Bingham, Topps Tiles plc; Will Fleming, Mapei (UK) Ltd.